Hybrid Publishing Program

Book-publishing integrated with digital publishing

what's hybrid publishing Program?

Learnsdale’s Hybrid Publishing Program is a combination of print & digital publishing that allows you to promote your book for free and build a brand in the process. It is a self-publishing program that first publishes your book in-print and then builds you an author-platform to publish content digitally. The content attracts online readers, that turn into loyal followers and eventually book readers. The program combines the power of your written word with digital publishing technologies to create a self-sustaining marketing system for your book.  The marketing system employed on author’s side ensures total independence on third party marketing agencies. The marketing system also doubles up as a self sustaining brand building system for authors.

How Digital revolution changed publishing?

In 1995, digital revolution hit the world. Means of communication started to change. Along with the way people consumed information. And suddenly, books were no longer the only medium using which you could educate or entertain yourself. Digital content began circulating across the internet, and, this led to a gradual decline in book-readership. 

25 years later, we face an avalanche of digital content.  The majority of our reading audience has shifted online. But, for some reason, we choose to ignore them by serving content only in the traditional print format. As our audience moved to digital mediums, we chose to not evolve. The result? Digital content consumption is at an all time high and book readership at an all time low.

How do we counter this trend? By serving our ideas and stories in the format our audience loves to consume. The hybrid publishing program integrates digital publishing online into your book-publishing process . This ensures that you and your book creates an impact in the digital mainstream of society, instead of just the book-reading community.

Why hybrid publishing program?

Integrating online publishing into your workflow can have remarkable impact on your literary career. Publishing hybrid with Learnsdale allows you make a bigger impact with your book in the mainstream.

Mainstream Impact

Your book is a collection of high value ideas and stories. Ideas capable of bringing about change. Why have powerful ideas and not propagate them to all of society?  Hybrid Publishing Program is a combination of online publishing and book publishing process. It let's you create an impact in the book-reading community, as well as those who only consume digital content. 

Book marketing

Hybrid Publishing let's you utilize your writing skill as a marketing superpower. When you publish hybrid, you don't just publish your book. You also publish your ideas and stories online using an author-platform. The content you publish online for free, attracts readers and helps build an audience. A loyal audience that buys your book and curates social recognition.

Online Presence/Brand

Without an online presence, a personal brand, the reach of your book may be limited. If people don't know who you are, what's your writing style and how good your work is,  then, why would they buy your book. With the Hybrid Publishing Program, you'll build an online presence by publishing content online.  The content you post digitally will raise awareness for you and your book alike.

How It Works?

Step-by-Step Process

print-publish your book as paperback

We get in touch

Initial contact is established. We hold detailed discussions about the book. Analyse your goals and aspirations and layout the plan to achieve the same. You give the go-ahead & finalize the financials.

Design & Pre-press

We discuss and finalize the design theme and layout for the book. The cover and blurb are designed.  Formatting and any other operation required is taken care off. You approve and final print-layout is moved to press. 

Print & Distribution

Your book goes to press. It’s print-published and listed online for sale in less than 7 days of going to press. Paperback samples are delivered to your doorsteps within 2 days of publication.  

publish content online on your author platform

Author platform development

Learnsdale builds your self-hosted publishing website/author-plaform on the web. A beautifully designed, authoritative website that instantly separates you from the crowd. From code to ui/ux, everything is taken care off by Learnsdale. Platform goes live after you approve.

Platform & Knowledge Transfer

Author platform is handed over to you through a user-friendly, content management system. Then, you attend a 3-day knowledge transfer workshop, where you learn how to publish short form content on the platform through practical implementation.

Digital Publishing Starts

Millions of readers are constantly browsing the web to consume online content. From these readers, you identify your target audience. Audience most likely to read your work and your book. And, start publishing content like articles, short stories, etc, curated specifically for these readers.

build a brand & promote your book for free

Influx of online readers

You start publishing short-form content on your platform. Articles, short-stories, essays, blog posts, etc, that may interest your target audience. In a world of part-time content writers, your superior writing skill works it’s magic & you start attracting readers from your target base .

personal Brand Grows

As you attract new readers to your author platform with short form content, more & more people become aware about you and your work. Gradually, you build a following of thousands, who are hooked to your content. You use your writing skill as a superpower to grow your brand and online audience.

Influencer Marketing

With a loyal following of thousands of readers, every word you say is capable of influence. Without spending a penny, you market your book directly to your online following. Because they already love your work, a large part of your online following turns into your book-readers. 

Sign-up for a free consultation

Making the right publishing decision can be tricky. Sign-up for a free 45-min consultation with a publishing expert. And, make sure you choose the correct publishing path.