about Us

Everything we do, we believe, in reaching for the top. We don't believe in the average way of life and we have no respect for mediocrity. At Learnsdale, we're helping authors regain their position of ideological influence in society. Using next-generation, book-publishing practices. We're a hybrid publishing group for high-performance authors.

Core Values

At the base of what we do, there’s a set of values and beliefs that govern our behaviour at every step. Every decision we make is analysed through the lens of our belief system. 

#no half measures

We don’t believe in half measures. When we do something, we go all in. We don’t hold back and we give our absolutely everything to the task at hand. 

#Be Unstoppable

Challenges don’t scare us. And, problems excite us. We’re unstoppable no matter what.  

#All or nothing

We believe in reaching for the top. We don’t respect mediocrity and we’re not interested in the average way of life. We want to be the best. Anything less is as good as nothing.

Who Are We?

We’re a publishing group that helps authors publish their book using a hybrid (print+digital) publishing system. Our publishing program is widely recognised as one of the world’s most advanced self-publishing programs, focussing on the marketing and branding aspect of the book.


Why We Exist?

Declining Book Readership

National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency of the US Govt.) published a report ‘Reading At Risk‘ highlighting the significant decline in reading habits among American citizen. The report can be summarised in a single sentence : literary reading in America is not only declining rapidly among all groups, but the rate of decline has accelerated, especially among the young.

According to UNESCO, on average, more than 2000 books are published on Amazon, daily. 90% of these books do not sell more than 2000 copies.

Books published daily
books selling more than 2000 copies
Books selling less than 2000 copies

Books & Authors drifting away from the mainstream

Before the year 2000, books were one of the few mediums for mass communication of ideas and stories. Authors were celebrated, along with their ideas. But then the digital revolution hit. And, we started moving from books, magazines and newspapers to digital forms of content. Witnessing a steady decline in book readership over the past two decades, today we see how it’s declining at an alarming rate.

Why is this happening? While readers moved from books to digital mediums, authors chose not to diversify. They chose to stay away from any form of digital publication. As a result, book sales plummeted. Authors continue to publish books with high value ideas and stories, only to find fewer and fewer readers with each passing day.  And today, as authors drift more and more away from the mainstream, bloggers & social-media influencers flourish.

We believe, that, if you want your book to make an impact in the mainstream of society, then simply publishing it in-print is not enough. You must take your ideas online, where the mainstream now consumes content. You must publish your ideas in the form of digital content that can reach the masses.  At Learnsdale, we’re digitising authors and their workflows, with our hybrid publishing program. Every author that publishes their book with Learnsdale gets their own digital publishing platform. A publishing platform that serves as a tool to reach millions of potential readers online, at the click of a button.  

Our mission is to take authors online

Your ideas are priceless.  And, the digital world deserves to have them. More and more readers are transitioning to online forms of content consumption. To have your ideas and stories make the maximum impact, it’s critical that you start publishing online for mainstream audiences.

For hundreds of years, writers and their ideas have been a guiding light for society’s collective intellect. Even today, we’re in need of high-value ideas and stories that could inspire the world. The problem is that suddenly the mediums through which these ideas are propagated, are changing. From reading books, magazines and newspapers, the world is now rapidly moving to more digital forms of content consumption like websites, applications and online news portals. Digital content creators are becoming more influential with each passing day. This makes it imperative that you diversify your mediums of publication and take your ideas online.  

The way you take your ideas online, is through digital publishing platforms (author-platforms), built and branded exclusively for you. Once you have published your book in-print,  author-platform helps you publish your stories and ideas online. Doing so grabs attention of online readers and helps raise awareness about your book and ideas in general.  

Why We're Taking Authors Online?

Social Responsibilty

It's important that your high- value ideas and stories inspire the mainstream of digital society.

Literary Influence

Non-literary creators are becoming more influential in the online world. You must regain your intellectual influence for a more prosperous world.

free book marketing

Using author-platforms, you can leverage your digital content to create marketing cycles for your book, free of cost.

Personal Branding

For your books and ideas to be taken seriously, you must have a credible personal brand. A strong online presence helps with that.

Key Problems We Solve

As an organisation, we help solve critical problems for you. Problems that cause hindrance in your literary career. 

promoting your book

Book marketing is one of the biggest challenge faced by authors. We solve this problem by integrating digital publishing practices into your workflow, using content marketing framework.

increasing book sales

90% books published on Amazon are unable to sell more than 2000 copies. Learnsdale's hybrid publishing program focusses on the marketing and sales aspect of your book using digital publishing technologies.

building a personal brand

Growing your personal brand without a solid online presence can be arduous. Learnsdale helps raise your personal brand's online presence using your author-platform.

The digitally advanced way to publish